Daniela Busarello is Italian-Brazilian, living and working in Paris. She comes from a line of architects and studied in Paris at the École du Louvre and at the Beaux-Arts. To her, being an artist means being interested in Our Time. She observes humanity on sociological, philosophical and biological levels. Relationships with oneself, with other humans and with other environmental "entities": nature, urban and cosmos - inseparable.  As an artist concerned with re-establishing harmony between culture and ecosystem, she brings to it the perspective of an appeased feminine,gathering, syncretic, carried by a cyclic vision of time, movement and life. Her metaphysical research is marked by an attention to materials and to the precision of scales. The palettes are also made of music and neuro-science. One discovers different sensations if one experiences his from very close or very far, the two are complementary. As a painter, faithful to the Latin concept of genius loci [spirit of the place], she dives into the territory on different levels: visceral impressions, photographs, annotations, harvesting of relics water, minerals, plants. An inventory - witness of an ecosystem, of a time that will become her own pigments a sample of their culture, concretely. Observe and speak of our time with its own material.