Bianca Lee Vasquez
'' What interests me is how the forest thinks, how the trees think, and how they interact, how they exchange.’’CFOC X BUBENBERG EXPOSITION PARADIS PERDUS - Entretien avec BIANCA LEE VASQUEZ, 2020
Bianca Lee Vasquez's Earth body series is a tribute to the Cuban artist Ana Mendieta, who died in 1985. Like her, Bianca questions in a frontal way the relationship of the female body to nature. Gestation, the continuity between the earth and organisms, the violence done to the body by the social apparatus are all notions that the two young women question in performance and photography, via actions in which they physically inscribe themselves in nature.
Ambivalent, the image Anthropomorphic Tree intrigues the viewer. The artist's silhouette is barely distinguishable. "I'm standing on my best friend's shoulders," explains Bianca. Metaphor of a tender bond that melts the bodies to the green, from the vegetation to the peaks, protective and growing.
This work is available for private viewing in Paris
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