Ellande Jaureguiberry
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Ellande Jaurguiberry explores in his drawings and works on paper the idea of the 72 seasons (or micro-seasons, "kō") in Japan, barely perceptible evolutions of a few days in the organic balances, cycles and natural light. In Japanese culture, representations of nature are not simply decorative motifs, but are always associated with a symbolism established by poets since the 8th century.
The composition of Ellande's drawings starts from found or sculpted clay objects that the artist arranges on a wooden frame: the gesture (going through the object to get to the drawing) is both ritual and very pragmatic. This arrangement prefigures the astonishing relief of the drawings, between a rather graphic frame and a flourishing nature in superposition, with a symbolic and suggestive movement.
This work is available for private viewing in Paris
The Caring Gallery is committed to donating 10% of the sale of this work to the partner association of the exhibition.